2007 Walks

Here are some photos from our walks in 2007. Click on the photos for a larger image.

20th May 2007

We had a very steep climb up Wolstonbury Hill, but as you can see below the view was well worth it!

Alpacas near Danny.

This is Danny.

Danny again, with Wolstonbury Hill in the background.

22nd Apr 2007

Here we passed by one of those huge fields of yellow that you see at this time of the year.

In the woods!

This poem was on one of the stiles we used near Storrington. It reads:

Although the world was made for you,
The landscape green, the heaven blue,
Scent and colour, taste and sound
And all the good things from the ground.
Although the world was made for you,
God fashioned it for others too,
So leave it sweeter where you pass,
Nor spoil one single blade of grass.
Enjoy the good things but be fair -
God meant each one to have his share.

We found this slow worm stuck on the path - he just couldn't get a grip on the sandy surface, so we helped him along with a push.

We saw lots of gliders being towed up and coming in to land at the gliding club airfield.

Parham House.

25th Mar 2007

We started from Swanbourne Lake in Arundel and although the weather had warmed up after the recent cold spell, it was still rather overcast - not a good day for photos!

This is the view we had looking towards Amberley and Rackham Hill.

Walking through Arundel Park.

Here we are back by Swanbourne Lake, nearly at the end of the walk.

18th Feb 2007

Here you can see the flooding at Amberley Wild Brooks.

A distant view of Arundel Castle. As you can see, it was a very grey day.

The bison at Burpham. They don't seem to do much.

Findon Valley
21st Jan 2007

Here are a couple of views from Cissbury Ring.